. Welcome to www.carosi.com the world wide home of:  CAROSI CONSTRUCTION LIMITED PRIME CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER SINCE 1979
 We identify ourselves as "Prime Contractors" rather than "General Contractors" - A small distinction to describe that we are not subcontract brokers but builder/contractors who can actually do substantially most of any construction contract with our own forces and qualified tradesmen. Our subcontracting of work to other contractors is an option in most instances contrary to the typical General Contractor that can only oversee and/or manage the work done by other contractors.
Over $250 million in highly competitive, low bid, publicly tendered contracts performed to date: IF A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS... select the PROJECTS BUTTON and click on the underlined project names and see over One Thousand Pictures... over a MILLION WORDS... that tell exactly what we do. - Currently specializing in Water & Waste Water Treatment Infrastructure Construction and Construction Management. Serving major private development and Public Sector upgrades and expansion projects.
Contact mail@carosi.com
PROJECT ADVISORY & OTHER SERVICES: Construction Owners in Project Management, Design Build and Cost Plus: |